Intergenerational Couple Therapy
20,00 €
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In this lecture, Prof. Maurizio Andolfi outlines, first, the assessment of couple functioning using a three-generational lens. At the horizontal level, he observes the sense of we-ness and the degree of trust, respect and intimacy in the couple’s relationship. Then, the observation moves to the social and cultural level and to the system of friendship of the couple. However, most important is to check the level of differentiation of each partner from his/her own family of origin. The different stages of couple therapy are described, including the presence of children or parents as consultants in special sessions. As a conclusion, the therapist can help the couple to “remarry” or to separate well without children triangulation.
Format USB device
Running time approx: 21 minutes
Colour / Pal
All regions
Anamorphic Widescreen 1.78:1
Language: English
Subtitles: Spanish, French, Italian
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